5 Things Known about Bones Hospital in Hyderabad
Hyderabad is known as a city in India that’s not only full of life and culture but, at the same time, is a pioneering hub when it comes to orthopaedic healthcare. The top Bones Hospitals in Hyderabad seek to provide top-notch treatment owing to the fact that they have the best-in-class facilities and doctors.
In this context, we will take a look at the five things you should know about Bones Hospital in Hyderabad
Adequate facilities and amenities offered
The popular Bones Hospitals have the adequate infrastructure required to offer excellent treatment, and Bones Hospital in Hyderabad is also renowned for such facilities.
The orthopaedic hospital in Hyderabad seeks to provide the best orthopaedic treatment, complex orthopaedic surgeries, and moreover, complete relief for bone and joint problems. The surgeons present certainly possess a great deal of experience and wide-ranging expertise when it comes to orthopaedics, and naturally, this is why Bones Hospital in Hyderabad is a well-known orthopaedic hospital in Hyderabad.
The different treatments provided seek to cover joint pains, sports injuries, and other common orthopaedic ailments, thereby making it one of the topmost orthopaedic hospitals in Hyderabad.
Bones Hospital in Hyderabad is properly equipped with the best-in-class technologies so as to advance the delivery of adequate orthopaedic care. The popularity is mainly owing to fantastic bone and joint care that puts this hospital at the absolute forefront of offering treatments as well as relevant services such as robotic surgeries, sports medicine, robot-assisted techniques, and arthroscopic technologies among other things.
A lot has been achieved in joint surgeries via the usage of arthroscopic technologies as well as robotic techniques.
These bone hospitals are known to have the best orthopaedic surgeons who are trained by experts and leaders in the field from universally acclaimed hospitals as well as universities. There’s a multidisciplinary team that consists of orthopedists, nurses, physical therapists, orthopaedic surgeons, and other healthcare professionals who ensure the proper optimisation of the recovery and care of every patient. They are indeed equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and advanced technologies to offer the latest modes of treatment in order to treat a wide variety of orthopaedic conditions.
Available treatments
The various treatments for problems involving musculoskeletal disorders and metabolic bone diseases of hip and thigh, elbow and shoulder, knee, lower leg, foot and ankle, hand and wrist, and also, neck and back, make this hospital in Hyderabad the best bone and joint hospital.
For shoulder and elbow treatments- Treatment for bursitis, chronic elbow instability, frozen shoulder, tendonitis of the long head of biceps, ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow which is also known as cubital tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, rotator cuff tendonitis or shoulder impingement, and broken collarbone is available at the Bones Hospital in Hyderabad.
For knee and lower leg treatments– Treatment for bowed legs, kneecap bursitis, ACL injury, deep vein thrombosis, knee tendon bursitis, limb length discrepancy, discoid meniscus, osteonecrosis of the knee, patellofemoral pain (runner’s knee), and Osgood-Schlatter disease are available at the Bones Hospital in Hyderabad.
More about treatment at the top orthopaedic hospitals in Hyderabad
For hip and thigh pain treatments– Treatment for burning thigh pain, slipped capital femoral epiphysis, snapping hip, deep vein thrombosis, arthritis and hip bursitis, hamstring muscle strain, femoroacetabular impingement, Perthes disease, developmental dislocation or dysplasia of the hip are available.
For foot and ankle pain treatments– Treatment for Achilles tendonitis, clubfoot, corns, bunions adult flatfoot, hammer and claw toe, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, stiff big toe (hallux rigidus), vertical talus, ingrown toenail, flexible flatfoot in children, bone spurs, posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, sesamoiditis, diabetic foot (Charcot), and Morton’s neuroma are available.
For hand and wrist pain treatments– Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, ganglion cyst, trigger finger, Kienbock’s disease, boutonniere deformity, compartment syndrome, Quervain tendonitis, ulnar tunnel syndrome, and Dupuytren’s contracture are available.
Also, if you’re looking for the topmost orthopaedic healthcare facility in Hyderabad for all your bone and joint ailment needs, you should contact Sunshine Bone & Joint Institute in Telangana, Hyderabad. With the largest team of orthopaedic specialists in India, and with super specialists covering every aspect of orthopaedic surgery that includes arthroscopy, arthroplasty, spine surgery, trauma, and joint replacement, we seek to offer the best-in-class treatment to every individual based on their specific needs.
With 12 divisions catering to different forms and types of orthopaedic care, we also have a dedicated orthogeriatric unit that is open to treating 90-year-old patients with amazing outcomes.
Patient care at a top orthopaedic hospital in Hyderabad
The appropriate facilities offered to patients who are seeking to get treated at a top orthopaedic hospital in Hyderabad include:
- Excellent post-surgery care.
- Offers comprehensive orthopaedic services that include efficient rehabilitation and advanced surgeries.
- Hotel-like rooms with superb room service.
- Treatment via expert doctors and healthcare professionals.
- A team of doctors that seek to go all the way to make sure the complications of bones, joints, tendons, muscles, and ligaments are properly diagnosed and treated. The team of orthopaedic experts specialise in spine surgeries, musculoskeletal ailments, and joint replacements among other things.
- Innovative techniques and the latest technologies are employed to ensure successful surgeries and quick recovery time for every patient.
What’s more to offer?
Top Bones Hospitals in Hyderabad indeed have state-of-the-art technological operation theatres with laminar flow, the most advanced and latest technologies for joint resurfacing procedures via the usage of metal-on-metal articulation, diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopic surgery of the knees and shoulders, arthroscopic surgeries with advanced technologies in ligament repair, and computer-assisted surgery.
They perform surgeries for a wide variety of orthopaedic problems, including joint-related injuries, diseases of bones and joints, total knee replacement, total hip replacement, hip resurfacing, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, joint replacement procedures, and many other treatment processes.
Final Words
The top orthopaedic hospital in Hyderabad is often considered to be the best bone hospital in Hyderabad. It is not a matter of doubt that the best bones and joints hospitals in this city offer the best-in-class treatment procedures, and with the onset of the latest advancements in technology, these treatments have become all the more accurate and precise, thereby boosting the success rates massively. Each of the renowned bone hospitals in Hyderabad is a pioneer in successful orthopaedic treatment processes.