Knee Replacement Surgery In Hyderabad


Division Of Trauma & Accident Care - 1


Welcome to the Division of Trauma & Accident Care at the Sunshine Bone and Joint Institute, where we prioritise your well-being and recovery. As a premier Level 1 trauma centre, we specialise in managing complex accidental and trauma cases referred to us from across the state.

Our Trauma Surgery and Accident Care Centre comprises three specialised units staffed by a dedicated team of senior consultants, supported by junior consultants, registrars and post-graduates (DNB). This structured approach ensures streamlined care and focused attention on every patient. From initial treatment to follow-up visits, patients consistently interact with the same team, fostering trust and effective communication, reducing any potential gaps between patients and consultants and enabling the establishment of strong patient-surgeon rapport.

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Division Of Trauma & Accident Care - 3

Our experienced surgeons, renowned for their expertise, skill and proficiency, handle a wide range of complex cases, including pelvic & acetabular fractures, polytrauma cases, periprosthetic fractures, peri-articular fractures and more. With a daily caseload of five to six trauma surgeries, we provide round-the-clock care for multiple extremity fractures and polytrauma cases, ensuring prompt and effective management.

At SBJI, we go beyond just surgical intervention. Our multidisciplinary approach involves collaboration with plastic, microvascular and cosmetic surgeons to address trauma cases with associated neurovascular injuries comprehensively. Whether it's managing implant failures, malunions, or non-unions, our senior consultants bring years of experience and expertise to every case referred to us from all corners of the country.

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Division Of Trauma & Accident Care - 5

Our experienced surgeons, renowned for their expertise, skill and proficiency, handle a wide range of complex cases, including pelvic & acetabular fractures, polytrauma cases, periprosthetic fractures, peri-articular fractures and more. With a daily caseload of five to six trauma surgeries, we provide round-the-clock care for multiple extremity fractures and polytrauma cases, ensuring prompt and effective management.